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How to Care for a Lily Plant

How to Care for a Lily Plant

17th Apr 2024

Caring for lilies is quite simple, once you know the basics. According to The Spruce, 29 to 36 inches is the typical height of the Stargazer lily plant. Lilies are beautiful flowers that can brighten up any space, so let's go over how to keep your lily plant healthy and blooming for years to come with help from one of the best florist shops around.

Sunlight and Soil

Lilies prefer partial to full sun, so position your plant in a spot that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. This is important for strong growth and plenty of blooms. Make sure the soil drains well - lilies like loose, well-draining soil that isn't soggy. You can add some compost or other organic matter to regular potting soil to improve drainage. Ask the experts at your local florist shops for soil recommendations suited to your climate.

Watering and Feeding

Water your lily when the top inch or so of soil is dry. Water thoroughly until it drains out the bottom of the pot. In the heat of summer, you may need to water every few days. During fall and winter, when the plant is dormant, water just enough to keep the soil slightly moist. For food, use a balanced liquid plant food every two weeks in the spring and summer. The best florist shops will have high-quality, organic plant foods tailored to lilies' needs.

Pruning and Pests

Deadhead spent flowers regularly to encourage reblooming. Cut the stem all the way back to the base. Remove any yellow or brown leaves. Watch out for common lily pests like aphids, spider mites, or snails. A thorough spraying of water from below the leaves and stems can dislodge many pests without harming delicate blooms. Prevent disease by providing good air circulation and not overcrowding plants.

Container Care

Lilies grow beautifully in containers on patios or doorsteps when given the right conditions. Select a container at least 12 inches wide and deep to accommodate the bulb and roots. Use a soil-less potting mix or add perlite or gravel to the bottom of the pot for drainage. Water container plants more frequently as the soil dries out faster.

With a little TLC, your lily plant will reward you with gorgeous blooms year after year. Check-in with the best florist shops for planting and care advice tailored to your climate. With the right sunlight, soil, watering, and pruning, you'll be enjoying beautiful lilies in no time. If you're looking to purchase a lily plant, visit Albuquerque Florist today.



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