A Tranquil Light Bouquet
This bouquet of hydrangea, lilies, roses and stock is sure to bring tranquility in time of grief. The fresh scent of flowers will offer comfort during this time of grief and sadness.
Jade Joy
This joyful bouquet made of roses, hydrangea and solidago is perfect to brighten the day and is guaranteed to put a smile on someone's face!
A Little Bit of Sunshine
This simple and sweet bouquet of uplifting sunflowers and roses is guaranteed to put a smile on someone's face!
Purple Radiance
Deep purples, lush lavenders and accents of popping pink make a beautiful display of affection for your loved one.
Sympathy Flowers for Service
Express your sympathy and let the family know you are thinking about them. Send flowers to the funeral or memorial service. We offer same-day delivery to Albuquerque-area churches and funeral homes. New Mexico and National delivery also available.