Sweet Spray Roses
The Sweet Spray Roses bouquet from Albuquerque Florist is a breath of fresh air from the garden. These tantalizing colors make any occasion special. Let Albuquerque Florist provide same day flower delivery in the Albuquerque New Mexico area to your...
Classic Carnations 24 Stems
Carnations are one of the most popular decorative flowers in the world. This classic 2 dozen carnation arrangement is a splendid item to behold and cherish, it will take your breath away. Let Albuquerque Florist provide same day flower delivery in...
Freedom Day
Celebrate Juneteenth! Make the day extra special with a vibrant tropical flower arrangement inspired by the colors, symbolism, and significance of this national holiday. Our arrangement, set against a striking backdrop and featuring unique foliage...
Love Inspires!
Love inspires! This lively floral mix includes Red Carnations, Orange Spray Roses, Yellow Sunflowers, Green Trick, Purple Stock and Blue Delphinium. Let Albuquerque Florist provide same day flower delivery in the Albuquerque...
Albuquerque Florist Signature Collection- Exotic Plants
With a massive collection of rare and unusual plants, let our expert designers choose a unique gift for the plant enthusiast in your life! Each and every plant in this collection is one of a kind, perfect for those who have a green thumb. We offer...
Desktop Orchid
The Orchid is one of the most highly coveted of ornamental plants. The delicate, exotic and graceful orchid blooms represents love, luxury, beauty and strength. As the newest addition to our Petite Collection, the Miniature Orchid is a quick...
$20 Tuesday
On Tuesday's you can buy a beautiful wrapped bouquet of fresh mixed flowers for only $20!!
Birds of Paradise Bud Vase
A long standing symbol of freedom and joy, the bird of paradise is a stunning and exotic choice for the modern flower enthusiast! Contemporary, linear accents and classic eucalyptus highlights create a unique bouquet for the artist in your life.
Valentine's Premium Dozen Rose Bouquet
The Albuquerque Florist Signature Rose Bouquet is an exquisite display of elegance and grace. 12 classic long stem red roses are beautifully accented with fragrant Stargazer lilies. This bouquet of a dozen roses is sure to charm that special person...
Desktop Dish Garden
These adorable gardens are the perfect natural accent for a desk or coffee table. Bring some tranquility to any space with our signature Desktop Dish Garden! A mix of the freshest green and blooming plants designed into a wicker basket with accents.
Birthday Blowout
This colorful bouquet is the perfect way to celebrate a special day. Send someone the Best Wishes Bouquet to wish them just that! In this overflowing bouquet you will find a variety of vibrant colors and seasonal flowers - from red carnations, to yellow...
Petite Bouquet
These Petite arrangements are farm direct and come with a "petite" price. These arrangement come only as a designers choice and we can not guarantee color. Each bouquet comes with 18 stems of flowers and greens. The bouquet is 10" high and 6"...
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